A woman rides an electric scooter on a street at sunset.

Joann G. Elmore, MD, MPH, on an increased trend of electric scooters injuries

Searching through millions of records and UCLA Health data from 2014-2020, Elmore and her team found that more than 1,000 patients had been seen for injuries sustained on electric scooters.

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Citation: Ioannides KLH, Wang PC, Kowsari K, Vu V, Kojima N, Clayton D, Liu C, Trivedi TK, Schriger DL, Elmore JG. E-scooter related injuries: Using natural language processing to rapidly search 36 million medical notes. PLoS One. 2022 Apr 6;17(4):e0266097. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266097. PMID: 35385532; PMCID: PMC8985928.